Svaroopa® Yoga

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What is Svaroopa® Yoga?

Svaroopa® Yoga is a style of Hatha yoga. Hatha means physical poses. In Svaroopa®, we teach you familiar yoga poses to create deep openings in the muscles around the spine, beginning at the tailbone and working up the spine. We accomplish this with precision of alignment of the body. While the emphasis is on the precision, there is compassion as the student is encouraged to go only as far as her/his body allows at the time. With this combination of compassionate precision, core tensions in the body begin to release. 

Yoga props (blankets, blocks, knee cushions, etc), specific alignments and adjustments are used to ensure the student receives safe and deep changes in the body and mind.  The benefits of this type of yoga include increased flexibility, mobility, strength, more energy, improved circulation and overall better health - physically, mentally and emotionally.



Class Schedule

Mon. 11:00am - 12:30pm

Mon. 5:30pm - 6:45pm

Wed. 5:00pm - 6:30pm

Fri. 11:00am - 12:15pm

Continuing Students

Continuing Students


Continuing Students


Class Fees

Single class drop-in

4 Classes per month

8 Classes per month

12 Classes per month


$60.00 ($75 for a 5 class-moth)

